Undiagnosed Symptoms

Our doctors are experts at uncovering the cause of your symptoms

We often hear from patients who are confused by their symptoms and frustrated at the lack of obvious answers from their existing providers.  At Spark Health we are experts at digging deeper to understand why you feel the way you do.  More comprehensive lab testing, and interpreting those results, with "optimal" ranges in mind, rather than just what is "normal", allows us a greater understanding of how even subtle imbalances can be the root cause of your symptoms.  Nutrient levels, inflammation, hormone balance, and digestive function can all work together (or not) to create wellness.  Our lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, sleep quality, and stress management skills can also have a big impact on our health.

“I think the three most important things we offer are: comprehensive testing so we can fully understand a patient's symptoms, an understanding of how various symptoms or abnormal lab results are connected to each other, which patients find empowering, and a strategic and multi-faceted plan to most effectively solve the problem and create wellness.”

Dr. Jennifer Zeglen

Commonly Undiagnosed Symtpoms

Anxiety • Fatigue • Joint pain • Inflammation • Brain fog • Insomnia • Headaches •
Skin Rashes • Depressed mood • Allergies • and more..

Our Diagnostic Process

  • Initial doctor visit to learn more about your current symptoms, health history, what prior testing and treatment have been done, and current diet and lifestyle factors.

  • At the initial visit the doctor will recommend any additional testing that can help uncover the cause of your symptoms. This can include functional lab work for nutrient levels, hormones, inflammation, and metabolic problems. It may also include digestive function testing, food sensitivity testing, environmental toxicity testing, and/or imaging.

  • When all additional testing has been completed, we meet again to review results, determine the cause(s) of the problem, and discuss a detailed and strategic treatment plan to address the findings. Due to the more comprehensive nature of testing, we often identify additional health markers that are out of balance and will make recommendations on those items as well.

  • Treatment may include nutritional supplement recommendations, prescription medications, diet recommendations (both temporary and long-term), exercise recommendations, stress management strategies, and possibly referrals to other specialists or providers for ancillary care or further evaluation.

  • Our ongoing commitment to your health incorporates an adaptable care plan based on progress, follow-up testing, and general wellness strategies to ensure and sustain your optimal health.


  • Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that combines traditional healing methods with modern medical science. It focuses on natural remedies and the body's inherent ability to heal and maintain itself. Naturopathic doctors aim to treat the underlying cause of illness rather than just the symptoms, using various therapies including dietary changes, herbal medicine, lifestyle adjustments, and more.

  • Naturopathic medicine offers a personalized approach to health, addressing the root causes of chronic conditions such as inflammation, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and lifestyle factors. By developing a tailored treatment plan, naturopathic doctors aim to improve your body’s natural healing abilities, reduce symptoms, enhance wellness, and potentially reverse chronic conditions.

  • Yes, when practiced by a licensed naturopathic doctor, naturopathic medicine is safe. These professionals undergo rigorous training in natural therapies as well as basic medical sciences. However, it's important to communicate with your naturopathic doctor about all treatments you're receiving to ensure they complement any conventional treatments safely.

  • Naturopathic medicine can be used alongside conventional treatments, offering a complementary approach. In some cases, natural therapies may reduce the need for certain medications or procedures, but it should not replace conventional medical treatment without a thorough discussion with both your naturopathic and conventional healthcare providers.

  • Your first appointment will typically be longer than a conventional medical visit, often lasting about an hour. Your naturopathic doctor will take a comprehensive health history, ask about your diet, stress levels, lifestyle, and discuss your symptoms. They may also perform a physical exam and recommend diagnostic tests. The goal is to gain a holistic understanding of your health to develop a personalized treatment plan.

  • The time frame to see improvements can vary widely depending on the individual and their condition. Some people may notice changes within a few weeks, while others might take months. Naturopathic medicine often focuses on long-term health and wellness, so patience and consistency with the treatment plan are important.

  • Coverage for naturopathic medicine varies by insurance company and plan. Some insurance plans do cover naturopathic treatments, but others may not. It's important to check with your insurance provider to understand what is covered under your plan.  We can often use your existing insurance to cover the cost of some or all of the lab testing.