Transformative Health Care: Naturally Tailored, Uniquely You.

At Spark Health, you don't just feel better - you feel empowered. That's because we give you the answers you've been searching for. We develop a holistic treatment plan for you - and only you - that gets to the root cause of your health challenges and creates vibrant, meaningful change. Your journey to optimal health begins here, and we're with you every step of the way.








Preventive • Proactive • Holistic • Integrative • Tailored • Whole-body • Personalized •

The Spark Health Approach

  • During this individualized assessment, your Primary Care Doctor takes the time to get to know you from the inside out. By understanding your health history, lifestyle, genetics, and symptoms, we uncover what makes you unique.

  • Based on your first visit, our team orders specific diagnostic tests to identify the root cause of your condition. Your results should arrive within about two weeks.

  • Your Primary Care Doctor reviews the test results with you and recommends a personalized treatment plan that serves as a healthcare roadmap. This whole-body approach addresses your primary medical concerns and sets the course for your long-term health.

  • We are dedicated to your ongoing health and wellness, adapting your care plan based on your progress to ensure and sustain your health and wellness goals.

Solutions for Today's Health Challenges

“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.”

Dr. Shacy Rivera

“Wellness and longevity are built upon daily habits, a positive mindset, and an understanding of your unique physiology.  We provide the roadmap, based on your health history and goals, on your comprehensive lab results, and with an understanding of how conventional and natural medicine can integrate for optimal outcomes.”

Dr. Jennifer Zeglen

Meet the Spark Health Team

It’s never been easier to take control of your health.

At Spark Health, your wellness is our top priority.

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